Wisdom, insight, work ethic…

“In between the humor is a team full of wisdom, insight, and deep commitment. I was particularly impressed by the team’s work ethic. The Catalead Team takes every single assignment seriously and with the highest sense of duty. In a world where mediocrity is the buzzword, we can do with more of the likes of Dr. Oginde and The Catalead Team.”
Exceptionally skilled…

“The Catalead Associates supported us for our team building event at the University of Nairobi, with the ICT Team. The trainers were exceptionally skilled and equipped with innovative methods of delivery of content that kept the participants engaged throughout and desiring more tips for being better team members. We look forward to more opportunities to deepen our learning as well as extending the same training to our Senior Managers.”
Absolute game changer…

“Founded on the values that we have come to associate Dr. David Oginde with (hard work, diligence, integrity), The CATALEAD is an absolute game-changer that is timely as it is timeless!”
Leading yourself…

“Every one of us has leadership acumen that has to be brought out, catalyzed. That is what CATALEAD helped me clarify and hence step out in confidence, to fulfill my life’s calling. Personal leadership is leading yourself, even when you have no job title.
It also helped me clarify my vision and I have been able to make a very critical decision on my future. I have been able to clearly develop my road map on where I am going (Vision) and I feel confident to launch out into my next level-and not afraid to fail because I am not competing with others but keeping to my lane.”
Realizing self-mastery…

“The High Impact Leader Series has helped me discover the importance of self-mastery. The nuggets of information and lessons from the series have clarified and made me realize my purpose and vision. It has given me practical insights on how to navigate leading me and made me a calmer person in any environment. It is a strong foundation to build and realize my self-leadership every moment.”
Refueled for Impact…

“Leadership is like a fast-paced race that is complex and demanding. Every leader needed a pit stop, a place they can slow down and get refueled or catalyzed for greater effectiveness and impact. This is exactly what The CATALEAD has been for me. “